What is one of the most destructive things you can do as an investor?

The answer is actually very simple.

One of the most destructive things you can do is not making dividends a key part of your investing strategy.

I know this isn’t the most exciting thing you’ve heard today. But if you want to set yourself up for success investing then it’s something you need to understand.

The data is overwhelming conclusive. Dividend payers (particularity dividend growth stocks) on average vastly outperform non-dividend stocks and are significantly less risky.

Not making dividend growth investing a foundational part of your investing strategy sets you up at a huge disadvantage.

The reason I’m posting about this today is because I just recently finished researching the entire universe of dividend stocks on the Toronto (TSX) and TSX Venture stock exchanges.

There is just about 3,200 securities in total on these 2 exchanges and 352 of the companies pay dividends. In depth, fundamental research was conducted on each one of these dividend payers to yield the top 31 companies which were added to our monitor list and the very top 8 stocks which were recommended to clients.

Click the link to find out more about KeyStone’s 2019 Canadian Dividend All-Star Special Report.

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