2 Free Gifts for all attendees
KeyStone’s 40+ Page Canadian Dividend All-Star Report ($599) + Your Future Portfolio Today in 10 Stocks Seminar Video ($79).
A total value of over $650, just for attending the event!
About your Special Gift:
1) Dividend All-Star Report
2) Your Future Portfolio Today in 10 Stocks
Learn a better way to build your stock portfolio – simply buy great individual stocks from the research team that recommended the best performing stock on the TSX over the past decade & the best performing non-penny stock in 2018.
The seminar will also provide full analysis and current recommendations on 5 stocks
Including 1-2 of the best dividend growth stocks, 1-2 of the best, unknown, but highly profitable Canadian Small-Cap stocks, & 1-2 of the best U.S. growth stocks. Stocks like XPEL Inc. (XPEL:NASDAQ) – recommended at most recent seminars in the $5.00 range for gains of 120% just for attendees who bought shares. For clients who purchased XPEL on our original recommendation just two years ago at $1.42, gains are now 680%.
Simplify your stock portfolio, pay less fees and take control of your financial future.
Tired of the high fees and meager returns from traditional big bank mutual fund and ETF investing?
Or do you just want to learn to be a better investor.
Join the thousands of Canadians like you who have taken control of their stock portfolios with a simple strategy that allows you to pay less fees and creating a quality 10-25 stock portfolio.
It’s your money and your financial future, so do something about it.
For the past 20 years, I am proud to say Keystone’s unique research has been leading the charge for independent minded investors across Canada – come to one of our Fall 2019 DIY Stock Investment Seminars in a city near you and learn:
KeyStone is truly an independent research advisory firm. This should not make us unique in Canada, but it does. Unlike the big banks and brokerages, we do not perform financing for the stocks we recommend and do not receive payment from companies for their inclusion within our research.
This focusses us on one thing, finding the best performing stocks for investors across North America.
To be frank, our DIY Stock Seminar is not a get rich quick scheme – if you are looking for the magic button to financial freedom, look elsewhere. What we provide is solid, practical advice with real time tested recommendations and a simple ongoing strategy.
We do not believe in hype. Our goal is to keep it simple and recommend buying great businesses. Our research, paired with a low-cost discount broker helps you create a simple portfolio of between 10-20 stocks designed to beat the market long-term.
If you are tired of playing high fees and underperforming the market take just a couple hours of your time and become a better investor.
Real profit from the buy recommendations – Fall 2018 DIY Seminar Recommendations Included;
Recommendations you will find nowhere else.
We look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming Fall 2019 events!
a) Why the traditional “Big Bank” diversified model is broken.
b) A look at the problems with typical Canadian Mutual Funds.
c) Big bank & traditional advisor’s high fees.
d) A simple low cost market mirror portfolio on a shoestring budget.
e) Our Solution
• Take control, pay less fees.
• Create a simple 15-25 stock portfolio.
f) How to create your DIY Portfolio.
• Start with a discount brokerage account.
• Asset allocation - how much to invest.
• Focused diversification - how many stocks to own.
• Strategy for portfolio building.
• When to SELL a stock.
• Review and rebalance.
g) How much capital do I need?
h) Which of KeyStone’s research services are right for you.
a) Intro to KeyStone’s strategy.
• Growth at a reasonable price (GARP).
• Mid to long-term investing.
• Individual selection of stocks with strong fundamentals, growth and valuation.
b) Recap of last 2 model portfolios.
• Why did we pick these stocks
• How did they perform?
• Why do we provide starter portfolios?
• How can investors use the starter portfolio?
c) What do we look for in companies?
• Profitability and growth.
• Balance Sheet.
• Valuation.
• Industry analysis and discussion with management.
d) How do we find the stocks we recommend?
e) General Portfolio Overview.
a) What is going on in the market and global economy right now?
b) Is the market expensive or cheap?
c) Why you shouldn’t try and time the market.
d) What happens if there is a recession or crash?
• Long-term approach.
• High quality stocks.
• U.S. Growth/Value Stock Research.
a) Canadian Small-Cap Growth Stock Research
b) Canadian Income/Dividend Stock Research
c) U.S. Growth/Value Stock Research
a) 1-2 of the best dividend growth stocks in Canada.
b) 1-2 of the best, unknown, but highly profitable Canadian Small-Cap stocks.
c) 1-2 of the best U.S. growth stocks – 1 industry leader and one under followed growth-at-a-reasonable price (GARP) stocks.
At the end of every DIY investment seminar, we open the floor to your questions in an interactive Q&A session with Ryan Irvine and Aaron Dunn. Ask any question you may have on your portfolio, specific stocks or any of our stock research services.
See What KeyStone Clients are Saying
A few words from KeyStone clients & seminar guests
A sampling of real recommendations from recent research and seminars.
Provides a comprehensive analysis of the complete universe of dividend stocks in the Canadian market.
We identified 352 dividend paying stocks listed in Canada, applied KeyStone’s rigorous criteria and came to our top 8 current BUY recommendations.
Report contains research on 23 additional companies we are monitoring.
Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: Protect Yourself & Beat The Markets
Lesson 3: Key Investment Themes of Today & The Future
Lesson 4: Conclusion
Purchase an Online DIY Seminar
If you cannot attend one of our Spring events please let us know and we will keep you informed about our upcoming events, topics, and future dates.
If you don’t see your city on our upcoming events list, please let us know and we will do our best to make it there in the future.