KeyStone’s Your Stock Our Take – Macro Enterprises (MCR:TSX), Star: is Canada Goose Holdings Inc. (GOOS:TSX), Dog: Polaris Infrastructure Inc. (PIF:TSX).
This week in our Your Stock, Our Take segment we look at Macro Enterprises (MCR:TSX), which executed a construction contract on TransCanada’s Coastal GasLink Pipeline Project. The proposed pipeline will deliver natural gas from the Dawson Creek area of northern B.C. to a facility near Kitimat, B.C., where it will be converted to a liquid form for export by LNG Canada. Estimated contract value in excess of CND$900 million with approximately Macro ($360 million) going to Macro over a 3-year period if it moves forward. Is it a BUY, SELL, or HOLD – we’ll tell you. Our Star of the week is Canada Goose Holdings Inc. (GOOS:TSX), designs, manufactures, distributes and sells premium outerwear for men, women and children – think goose down parkas. The stock jumped as much as 49% this week after the company reported record annual results and a positive outlook. Finally, our Dog of the week is Polaris Infrastructure Inc. (PIF:TSX), which owns and operates a 72-megawatt capacity geothermal facility in northwest Nicaragua. The stock dropped 22% this month as the situation in Nicaragua, worsens – the country appears to be in the throes of a mass uprising against Ortega’s regime. Is it a Dog or an opportunity?
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