Aug 5, 2018
Once again, due to the large volume of questions, we picked two stocks to look at: The first, Tucows Inc. (TC:TSX), and the the second, Atlas Engineered Products (AEP:TSX-V). Tucows provides network access, domain names, and other internet services. The stock has been a true under-the-radar story, jumping from the $9 range just over five years ago, to today closing in the $75 range. Is it a BUY, SELL, or HOLD? Atlas Engineered Products is a supplier of trusses and engineered wood products. Is it a BUY, SELL, or HOLD? Our star of the week is Enercare Inc. (ECI:TSX), a provider of essential home and commercial services and energy solutions. The stock jumped 53% this Wednesday from the $18.90 range to around $28.85 after it had been announced it would be acquired by Brookfield Infrastructure in a $4.3 billion transaction. Enercare has been a long time recommendation in our Canadian Income Stock research, originally recommended in $9 range.

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