Jan 7, 2020
This week in KeyStone’s Stock Talk Podcast, we answer two listener questions in our Your Stock Our Take segment: American Tower Corp. (AMT:NYSE) and Destiny Media Technologies Inc. (DSY:TSX-V), and our Star of the Week is Parex Resources Inc. (PXT:TSX).
  Our first Your Stock Our Take is on a large U.S. real estate investment trust, American Tower Corp. (AMT:NYSE), which owns and leases a portfolio of approximately 170,000 cell towers globally.  A listener asks us if this is the REIT is a good way to play the expansion and rollout of 5G technology. Our second Your Stock Our Take is on profitable micro-cap, Destiny Media Technologies Inc. (DSY:TSX-V), which provides software as a service (SaaS) solutions to businesses in the music industry solving critical problems in distribution and promotion. With the company posting strong earnings growth in 2019, a listener asks us our take on the stock. Our Star of the Week is cash-rich international but TSX-listed energy producer, Parex Resources, Inc. (PXT:TSX). Parex is engaged in the exploration, development, production and marketing of oil and natural gas in Colombia. The stock is up 27% in the past month – we let you know why.

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