2019 Breakthrough/Turnaround Canadian Small-Cap Report

KeyStone’s 2019 Breakthrough/Turnaround Canadian Small-Cap Report is a derivative of the research we conduct twice a year, reviewing quarterly financial statements and management discussion and analysis (MD&A) documents from every stock listed on the TSX and TSX-Venture. The companies included in this report typically pass a number of our criteria including profitability, cash flow, current growth or growth potential, and reasonable balance sheets, but do not fit the strict ‘net cash’ or positive cash position after subtracting debt to appear in our Cash Rich Reports. Given that cash flow and profitability typically drive share returns long term, the report is focussed on businesses that have either recently reported profitable results for either the first time (Breakthrough) or show the potential to progress existing results (Turnaround) back to profitability growth near to midterm. We are introducing new half position recommendations in three unique businesses and add each stock to our Focus Buy Portfolio. All three offer a degree of value in a generally pricy market with 2-3 year holding periods. Additionally, we are adding three companies to our Canadian Small-Cap Discovery Stock Portfolio. Finally, the 80-page report includes Mini-Reports on stock we are monitoring for ‘potential’ entry points over the course of the next 12 months. In this group, we have presented an interesting mix of stocks from a variety of market segments including gold, pharma, energy services, communications equipment/software, software, and more.

Canadian Small-Cap Growth Stock Research


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