Simple TFSA Portfolio

The Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA) is a powerful tool for significantly increasing after tax investment returns.
Our Simple TFSA service combines KeyStone’s track record for recommending individual stocks, with easy-to-understand and actionable portfolio management advice. We take our “top recommendations” from both our Small-Cap and Income Stock research to create a TFSA stock portfolio consisting of a diversified mix of high-growth small caps and dividend growth stocks.

KeyStone Financial has produced an impressive, 16 year track record of researching and recommending individual stocks using a GARP, or Growth at a Reasonable Price, investment strategy. Our Simple TFSA service combines this track record with easy-to-understand and actionable portfolio management advice. We take our “top stocks” from both our Small-Cap and Income Stock research to create a manageable 6 to 10 stock portfolio consisting of a diversified mix of high-growth small caps and dividend growth stocks. While this portfolio can be created in any type of investment account, we believe that it is perfectly suited to our clients TFSAs (Tax Free Savings Accounts) where capital gains and dividend income is generated on a completely tax free basis.

Clients to this service will instantly receive access to our TFSA portfolio consisting of 6 to 10 “top stocks”, all current and archived research on each of the respective companies in the portfolio, as well as comprehensive coverage and updating of the portfolio which includes new recommendations and rebalancing advice.

Quite simply…you get all the advice you need to manage your TFSA portfolio and reap the significant potential benefits over the long-term.

Simple TFSA Portfolio Performance


TFSA BUY Recommendations

2024 14.4%
2023 27.3%
2022 -9.2%
2021 15.1%
2020 27.9%
2019 38.2%

Performance presented here is based on an equally weighted average of all featured BUY-rated companies throughout that year, if one were to buy an equal amount in each company recommended and held to the closing price on the specified dates. It should not be assumed that the past performance of any companies featured in our research will equal future performance.