To find the next 10x stock, the data is clear – small, growing, profitable, and undiscovered stocks.

  • 87% of all global equities that went up 1,000% or more over the past ten years began as small to micro-caps.*

  • 82% of those were profitable at the start of their ascent, and 91% had some history of profitability.*

  • Most investors dream of finding the next 10-bagger or stocks that jump 1,000% plus truly change a portfolio – like KeyStone’s recommendations of Hammond (HPS.A:TSX) up over 18,000%, Boyd (BYD:TSX) up 11,199%, Janna (JAN:TSX) (acquired at $90) gained 5,043%, Water Furnace (WFI:TSX) (acquired at $30.60) gained 2,561% or XPEL (XPEL:NASDAQ) up 2,504%.

  • Do not miss out on our two most recent unknown profitable – each cash-rich small-caps and trading under $2.00 – both cash-rich, growing, and under 10x earnings.

  • Become a client today to our Small-Cap Research $499 (that’s less than $1.37 per day – you save $300), before our upcoming price increase and you will be grandfathered in at the discount!


Top BUYs for 2024 from the Team that Recommended the Best Stock on the TSX the past 2 years – HPS.A up 704%

Learn why the construction of your stock portfolio may be preventing you from creating true wealth and how you can make simple changes today to correct this. Let us show you how adding just 2-3 great stocks in your lifetime can dramatically affect your wealth long-term!

Find the next 10x Stock

  • Canadian Growth Stock Research

    Looking for the next best growth stock?
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VIP Portfolio Builder Tool

It has never been easier to follow KeyStone's Portfolio Building Strategy, with our brand new VIP Portfolio Builder Tool included with our VIP Service - guiding clients to the stocks in our research that we like the best!

FREE Bonus Reports with Purchase

ALL new clients will receive at least 2 of the following Bonus Reports for no additional charge;

Immediate Access: KeyStone’s 2024 Canadian Dividend All-Star Report, KeyStone’s 2024 U.S. Growth Stock Report, KeyStone’s 2024 Top 100 U.S. Stock Report, KeyStone’s 2024 Canadian Cash Rich Small-Cap Report, 2023 Electrification Report, 2023 US Under $2 Billion Market Cap Report, 2023 Canadian Dividend All-Star Report, 2023 Canadian Small-Cap Cash Rich Report. 2022 Canadian Small-Cap Opportunities Report, 2022 Profitable U.S. SaaS/Software Special Report, 2022 Roth Conference Update Report, 2022 Canadian Small-Cap Cash Rich Report, 2022 Canadian Dividend All-Star Report, 2021 NASDAQ Under $2 Billion Small-Cap Stock Report, 2021 Canadian Cannabis Report, 2021 U.S. Dividend Growth Stock Report.

***VIP Clients receive access to ALL Special Reports!*** 

Helping You Construct a Better Portfolio

As you review your portfolio in 2024, we encourage you to ask yourself if it included the Best Performing Stock on the entire TSX over the past year?

If you did not own Hammond Power (HPS.A:TSX) you missed out on a gain of 310% in 2023. Stop missing out on great, cash producing stocks you will not find through your Big Bank advisor – make a change today.

A simple concept that can change your portfolio.

“Investing in just 2 or 3 truly great stocks in your lifetime can be game changing for your portfolio.”

This past year Warren Buffett, perhaps the greatest investor of all time, stated that,

“In his 58 years of Berkshire management (his) satisfactory results have been the product of about a dozen truly good decisions – that would be about one every five years.”

  • Warren Buffett

Let that sink in. Only 12 great investments (stocks) in his almost hundred years on earth, have made him one of the richest humans on the planet.

Truly great stocks create truly great wealth. It’s that simple. Unfortunately, if you construct your portfolio with the traditional Big Bank approach, buying 5-20 mutual funds and ETFs which each own 100+ stocks, you cannot take advantage of these great stocks. A portfolio built in this manner owns 500 to 1000s of stocks and will mirror the market (because it is the market) but underperform due to the high fees.

There is a better way.

Focused Diversification – the better way to build a portfolio. Let KeyStone help you build a simple 20-25 stock portfolio designed to save on fees and position you to benefit from great capital compounding stocks.


While a gain of 310% can be game changing for your portfolio in a given year, what can truly help you accumulate real long-term wealth is investing in great capital compounding stocks long-term – something you will not here from traditional advisors that structure Canadian Portfolios with 5-10+ mutual funds owning hundreds to over 1,000 stocks.

To gain real wealth, we recommend clients build a simple portfolio of 15-25 quality growth and dividend growth stocks. To give you and idea of how impactful a great growth stock can be on a Canadian portfolio, we will reference the gains in Top KeyStone Buy Hammond Power. For our clients, the story of this great stock began back in the early 2000s, when the company traded for just pennies, in the $0.60 range. It was a profitable, growing business purchased for under $1.00. The stock has now gained over 21,000% since this time. Just $20K invested in the stock back then would be worth over $4.2 million today. Truly a portfolio changing investment!

Don’t settle with paying high fees and continually underperforming the market. Join the thousands of Canadians like you who have taken control of their stock portfolios with a simple strategy that allows you to pay less in fees. It’s your money and your financial future, so do something about it!

Become a client today and access promising, under-followed new Buys!

Just a few of KeyStone’s game changing recommendations include:

Hammond Power (HPS.A:TSX) was recommended at $0.60 over a decade ago, trading today at over $147.00 – driven by its strong growth in cashflow and the trend of electrification – producing a gain of 21,000% (incl. dividends). And the Boyd Group (BYD:TSX), a simple Auto-Body consolidator which was recommended at $2.30 in 2008, trading today at $233 up over 10,000% (incl. Dividends). XPEL Inc. (XPEL:NASDAQ), the best performing stock in Canada to graduate to the Nasdaq in the past 5 years, gaining over 2,200%. Our analysts monitored this quality business for three years before finally recommending it to clients, as we saw the cash producing power of the business well before the rest of the market!


Don’t miss out, become a client and get KeyStone’s portfolio-changing recommendations before the rest of the market.

Pay Less Fees & Earn More Money!

With KeyStone’s flat fee research investors can save thousands as compared to the fees paid with traditional advisors.

KeyStone’s simple flat-fee portfolio strategy could save you $10,000 each year and earn you over $2 million more in a $500,000 sample portfolio. Considering an annual return of 7.5% and an investment horizon of 30 years.

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