Jan 26, 2018
Today we have a unique show – dedicated to discussing one of our recent special reports from our Canadian Dividend Stock research on DRIPs or Dividend Reinvestment Plans. “DRIPing” can be a powerful long-term strategy – the key is to buy the right stocks, be prepared for a little DIY work, and get ready to get rich...slowly. Unfortunately, it is one of the least talked about financial strategies on Wall Street - Why? Because a DRIP can be set-up so investors pay no ongoing brokerage fees. If Wall Street isn’t getting a cut, then you are not likely to hear about it. For a long-term investor, DRIPs can be great – not only do you pay no ongoing broker fees, you can buy shares in some great companies at a discount to their price on the market (often 2-5%!). It’s like being a member of an exclusive investment club and it’s FREE.

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